Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update from Aug 8 W6TF Meeting

Quick “unofficial” recap by Joe Fengler.

1. Approved changes to ANC 6E / 6C boundaries from initially approved redistricting map. First, modified the North Capitol diving line between 6E and 6C to turn east at K Street to Union Station tracks. Then use Union Station tracks, as well as Union Station, as the north-south diving line until Massachusetts Avenue. This essentially expands 6E to Union Station to allow both ANCs to participate in the future air rights development. Second, the census blocks below Massachusetts Ave have been moved from 6E to 6C. This will allow ANC 6C to have six commissioners within the 2,000 resident target.

2. On a 4-3 vote, the task force decided to keep near-south east within ANC 6D. The task force also decided to include the option not approved (expanding 6B to include near-southeast) in the initial task force proposal as an information item.

3. Approved initial SMD boundaries for ANC 6A, 6B, and 6C.

4. Authorized the working group for ANC 6D to continue to develop two SMD boundary plans. One that will split the census block for Potomac Place Towers and one that will not split this census block. Both plans will be included in the initial task force ANC/SMD redistricting report with the caveat that these two SMD proposals are pending task force approval.

5. Authorized the working group for ANC 6E to continue to develop SMD boundaries over the next week. The draft plan will be included in the initial task force ANC/SMD redistricting report with the caveat that it is pending task force approval.

6. The task force will be working to complete the initial task force ANC/SMD redistricting report by August 18. This report will be sent to all ANC commissioners and community organization list serves for review. This will allow each of the ANCs, and their respective community, neighborhood and business associations, the time to review the initial redistricting report and make official comments/recommendations during the first two weeks of September. Members of the task force will attend the September ANC meetings to answer questions about the redistricting proposal.

7. The task force will meet again on September 19, Monday at 6:30pm to discuss the ANC/SMD boundaries in light of the comments/recommendations forwarded by ANCs as well as their respective community, neighborhood and business associations. We are still working to find a place for that meeting.

And finally, to anticipate the inevitable question, the maps that reflect the ANC/SMD boundaries approved last night (to include ANC 6D and 6E working group proposals) for the initial redistricting report will be posted by August 18. Our hope is to have them built and posted sooner, but we can’t make any promises (recall, we are all volunteers with regular day jobs).

6A (orange) = 18,111
6B (light blue) = 20,217
6C (green) = 11,932
6D (dark blue) = 14,359
6E (red) = 13,393


  1. In Point #1 I made a mental typo. Strike 6D reference and insert 6E. I will correct post shortly. Joe

  2. the green has been given too much already. i wonder who's SMD in 6C will include South of Massachusetts Avenue? that looks very fishy.

  3. please scroll and read thread from bottom up. thanks, r

    The natural boundary of 6E extends south of Mass Avenue NW and NOT cut off. R

    Even or odd is not the essential issue. Citizens must elect sane and active commissioners. You can always have a majority of idiots (ie: GOP House) or one commissioner who doesn't show up regularly as Gottlieb Simon told me affects other commissions. martin

    > Following up on Richard's comments below, I would not recommend an even
    > number of SMDs for an ANC. Living in one for the past few years, while
    > things have improved, the opportunity of having the ANC split down the
    > middle on an issue or even on what seems to the simplest task of choosing
    > officers shows that these should be an odd number. Even if you don't agree
    > with the majority, at least there is a majority that can make decisions.
    > Thanks! john dewey

    Thank you. I belong to no organization but can recognize a land grab when I
    > > see it. The residents of 6C should focus on their neighborhoods and not raid
    > > a few blocks where they don't even go because they want to influence what's
    > > happening in our neighborhood. If they want to influence "395" then they
    > > should move to 6E...where it is. Why should someone from stanton park be
    > > deciding what is in our neighborhood?
    > > *Subject: *Re: Ward 6 Redistricting Task Force - August 8 Summary
    > >
    > > Richard, in order for 6C to even have a large enough population to build
    > > six single member districts, adding the census blocks below Mass Ave was
    > > needed to capture the 750 residents to fill out the sixth SMD from roughly
    > > 1,200 to apex 1950. We are still working the SMD maps for 6E this week.
    > > And, this is the first draft. Each community will be afforded the
    > > opportunity to provide comments when we publish the entire redistricting
    > > plan on August 18. The task force won't meet again until mid-September to
    > > allow ample time for community review.
    > >
    > > Joe Fengler
    > >
    > > On Aug 10, 2011, at 7:12 AM, richard rogers
    > > wrote:
    > >
    > > omg why is 6E getting smaller? and why is the new 6C gaining more than
    > > it's fair share?
    > >
    > > the folks at Georgetown Law Center neighborhood shop at CityVista(6E) not
    > > Harris Teeter(6C). the task force has awarded 6C too much already. the task
    > > force gave the new 6C all the "open space" in NOMA.
    > >
    > > please cease giving 6C more than they need. 6E should have what is
    > > south AND north of Massachusetts Avenue NW. we have been divided for too
    > > long already.
    > >
    > > please respect 6E as equally as you respect 6C
    > >
    > > respectfully,
    > >
    > > r
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > richard worthington-rogers
    > >
    > > --- On *Wed, 8/10/11, Ward 6 RD * wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > > From: Ward 6 RD
    > > Subject: Re: Ward 6 Redistricting Task Force - August 8 Summary
    > > To: "richard rogers"
    > > Date: Wednesday, August 10, 2011, 4:16 AM
    > >
    > > Six or Seven. That is being worked this week.
    > >
    > > Joe Fengler
    > >
    > > On Aug 9, 2011, at 9:38 PM, richard rogers <
    > > rrwashingtondc@...> wrote:
    > >
    > > so, how many SMD's will 6E have?
    > >
    > > richard worthington-rogers
    > >


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